Longwood Tennis Director Larry Wolf and his staff welcome you to the Longwood Tennis Blog

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Monday Night Team Tennis Opening Night 2012

Exactly 40 players came out to play Monday Night Team Tennis (MNTT) on a beautiful Monday night. For those of you who are new to the club, the MNTT is a competitive event between Larry and Magnus, who draft players to their respective team. Once the rosters are determined, about 6:05 PM, the battle begins. We play 3 rounds of tennis: doubles, mixed doubles, doubles. The format is no add scoring, and a total of 8 games. A reason why many members are so enthusiastic about Monday night is that there is no sign up in advance, just show up and play. Sign up is at the club outside of the Pro Shop, starting around 5:30. The idea is that the matches starts as close to 6:00 as possible. If you are arriving at the club at 6:15 the matches are already in progress.

On this first MNTT of the year, it turned out that the first round was key to victory. Coach Magnus' team came out to a jump start and took a comanding 20 points lead, and from there didn't look back. Although the round of Mixed Doubles was dead even, 40-40 points, Magnus's team rolled on to win the third round 45-35, and was declared winners of the event.

The winning team gets to enjoy a free drink afterwards on behalf of the runner ups. The players on the losing team are charged for 2 drinks: 1 for themselves, and one for an opponent. Wine and beer is charged a minimal price equal to a soda. Tony also provides some delicious finger food afterwards. If you haven't participated in the MNTT yet, come down next Monday and play!

Final Score: Team Larry 103, Team Magnus 137